Defining Success in Pediatric Nursing: A Multifaceted Perspective

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Many people have their own opinions of success and there are many different types of success. Each accomplishment has their own type of success, for instance; success for a soccer player would not be the same success for a pediatrics nurse. Now, the real question is what exactly is considered success for a pediatrics nurse? In nursing it is all about improving lives and helping people. For a pediatrics nurse success would be along the lines of saving a life, curing a sickness, or even impacting the lives of others. Although success comes in many different ways one of the biggest forms of success for a pediatrics nurse is being able to save a life especially a young infant’s life. There is so much joy that comes with saving a life, it gives you a sense of accomplishment. It makes you feel like you are making a difference in the world, like you have a purpose. However, sometimes you are not able to save the life of all infants, but there is typically a lot more positive than there is negative. With success comes failure, the only way to be successful is to be able to use failure as a learning device and turn it into success. Another form of success for a pediatric nurse would be curing a sickness. When a child is …show more content…

Whether we realize it or not we grow everyday physically and mentally. Even on our worst days we grow to be better people because the challenges just make us stronger. But, all challenges are different for everyone, for instance; a soccer player's biggest setback might be having an injured leg, whereas a pediatric nurse's biggest setback is losing a life. In light of that fact, with every setback comes a lesson it is up to you to choose what you take from it. In nursing you learn lessons everyday in everything you do from saving a life, to curing a sickness, ending with impacting the lives of

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