Passion is Essential for Invention

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Passion is essential for invention. The success of Steve Jobs (Apple) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) from seemingly non-entities to billionaires is symbolic of their passion for their aspirations. Similarly conducting research in thermal fluids category of Mechanical Engineering during my graduate study, making it a career path and pioneering in this field is my passion. My interest in thermal fluids developed at the start of my junior year out of my scorn for maintenance based Mechanical Engineering jobs that await most bachelors engineers like me after graduation. But what usurped due to hate for something else had grown into a full-fledged fervor and career long desire. Instead of spending my free time in novels of John Grisham and Dan Brown, that I used to do until before my third year of bachelors degree, I keep myself involved in magazines like Scientific American, ASHRAE Monthly Journal and cost free scholarly articles of famous professors and pioneers of thermal fluids on forums like Science-direct. This craving to conduct research in the field of thermal and fluid sciences in Mechanical Engineering and the choice of a career path circumscribed by research and development is the prime reason that motivates me to pursue MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from TU Delft leading to a PhD. Among several tracks that Mechanical Engineering Department of TU Delft offers, Sustainable Processes and Energy Technology most closely describes my research interests that are outlined below and would, therefore, provide an excellent opportunity to work towards my ambitions. Excellence in grades has always been my strong suit. An inspirational yet proud academic record is a significant motivational factor for me in pursuing graduate stud... ... middle of paper ... ...te level makes me pertinent for the position of Research Assistant that can bridge the gap between undergraduate research and independent graduate research. Furthermore, my teaching experience during my position as mentor and tutor for FME Council at GIKI that tutors weaker students of FME and as volunteer teacher for Project Topi instructing at GIKI School at Topi can be utilized as Teaching Assistant at TU Delft. I would sum up by stating that I fully realize the challenging and demanding environment at TU Delft and would, therefore, leave no stones unturned to meet this challenge whether it belongs to personal academics or research under a professor. Hopefully my study and research work at TU Delft would not only be beneficial to me but would also make the name of TU Delft shine. I look forward to joining TU Delft as an aspiring MSc student from fall 2012.

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