Participatory Wellness Program

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CONCLUSION A company wide wellness program will provide our employees with many benefits such as improved morale and overall satisfaction in their personal lives, all while offering a strong return on the investment for our company. With healthier employees, our productivity and other key performance indicators will see a positive impact. Our employees are our company’s greatest asset and we must strive to do whatever we can as management to encourage them to live healthy lives. To the members of our board of finance, we cannot stress enough the benefits that will outweigh the costs of this program. As we have mentioned throughout this presentation: healthier employees and improvements in job performance have been found to be directly linked. With this knowledge in …show more content…

If you are not a member currently of a gym or fitness center, we will have the option to bring in a representative from the local YMCA who will talk to our employees and offer a group membership discount. The health and happiness of our employees is important to all of us here at Horizons Inc. We also understand that finding ways to cut costs, save money, and add value while doing so is a constant value that is encouraged and appreciated from all members who sit on the board of finance. With the enthusiastic buy-in from management, this wellness program would hopefully see those positive outcomes come to fruition. Having so many benefits to an easily achievable program, we hope that the board sees to it to grant the funds needed to move forward with our proposal. The rewards that will develop out of this plan over the next few weeks and months will be a testimony to the efforts made by our employees, management, and finance board members who came together to make this

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