Paper On Adages

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An adage is a proverb or short statement, which expresses a general truth. Adages are widely known because they are different sayings that people use for individual scenarios. A cowboy can take his horse to water, but his horse will only drink it if the horse wants to. The horse will not drink no matter how many times it is beaten by the cowboy, if it is not thirsty. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. There is no use in helping a person who does not want to be helped. Whether in personal relationships, academia, personal experiences, or in history, the adage is proven to be true in life.

In relationships the adage is often proven. A married couple that argues with each other constantly can seek a marriage counselor for advice. Advice on how to spice up or fix their marriage that is not up to par. However, it is entirely up to the couple to fix the problems the couple has with each other. Perhaps the wife would argue that the husband never washes the dishes, never puts the toilet seat down, and always leaves his dirty clothes in the bathroom. The husband argues that the wife does not work, stays home all day doing nothing, is never in the mood for sex, and the least thing she could have done is, cleaned the house and made dinner by the time he gets home from his work. The counselor can analyze the situation, and suggest that the wife occupy herself by having the house clean and dinner ready when the husband gets home from work. The counselor also suggests that the husband be considerate and pick up his dirty laundry from the bathroom, put the toilet seat back down after using the toilet, wash his utensils after using them and he might get his sexual desires satisfied. The marriage problems might be straightened out if and only if the couple decides to use the advice the marriage counselor offered them. If the husband and wife have too much pride, and/or are too stubborn to change, then their marriage will remain the same. Some people are prideful and put their dignity before everything else, others are stubborn and will not change something that they are accustomed to; therefore getting them to change a habitual action will not be possible.

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