The Importance Of Organizational Communication In The Negative News

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Organizational communications are the key to global success. The manner in which an organization handles both internal and external as well as positive and negative problems present divergent problems. Organizational culture effectiveness is said to be weighed by their ability to communicate the negative news as well as the positive news (French & Holden, 2012). While the formation of negative organizational news may take many forms, the manner in which an organization embraces the negative affects their future. Even though the standard sandwich approach to negative news contained: (1) prefatory buffer; (2) bad news; (3) explanation; and (4) closing buffer, the message’s four principles addressed the situational need. This sandwich allowed …show more content…

These lectures were made within the DOC geographical separated location, all over Alaska. The Deputy Director addressed each audience, delivered a standard lecture without any questions and answer session, and then departed. The lecture consisted of a specific number of employees affected at each location. The lecture ended with the possibility of an additional percentage of employees occupying the same schedule shortly. This organizational communication met with employee outrage, resistance, and immediate contact with the employee Union. The negative aspects of the DOC communications may have been reframed for positive …show more content…

The prevailing and most positive communications approach uses a neutral buffering statement that politely leads a reader through goodwill toward the bad news. This indirect approach is perceived as personal and favorably accepted as pleasantly readable (Creelman, 2012). Both the email and the lecture may have been first addressed with a buffering statement. Beginning with a process, conducting a reflection and cause of the communications may have been positively accepted. Discovering an improved communications method such as reframing the negative message increases productivity and is favorable accepted (Whitworth, 2006). Building trust within the communication is paramount. Giving explanations for the decision as well as addressing concerns of the employees builds loyalty and trust within the organization. This applies independently of managerial direction or

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