Personal Narrative: My Communication Style

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My communication style tends to float between two very distinct classifications found in the Forbes’ Communication Styles PowerPoint and the DISC Personality Profile descriptions. This assignment has allowed me the opportunity to further reflect upon my own communication styles in varying environments, as well as identify and hopefully minimize the weaknesses that I need to improve upon before I become the sole administrator of a site. To gain respect and build trust as an instructional leader, communication is a two-way street; staff consumption of messages is just as important as administrator distribution of them.
Based on the Forbes’ Communication Styles PowerPoint, I am both a functional and an intuitive communicator, which are indicated …show more content…

I have become much more flexible in my approach in dealings with others thanks to the guidance of my Principal and Mentor. I am much more willing and open to pursue different avenues to build and maintain trusting relationships with staff. I’ve worked one-on-one and presented several teachers with new ideas and strategies for ensuring all students can meet objectives, but have different ways of demonstrating them. I’ve facilitated and worked alongside the Science Department as they rolled out a new cross-curricular project with our Math team, which required a conglomerate of teacher communication and learning …show more content…

I sat with her every other day for the first four months of the past school year, and gave her specific expectations and examples to ensure extreme clarity. This teacher became one of our most requested staff members this year, due to her successful implementation and the step-by-step planning of the newly adopted Common Core State Standards. She truly respected the time that I took to work along her side, even though I hadn’t taught Language Arts or History at the Middle School level. The wealth of instructional strategies that I provided, alongside her content knowledge served her Steadiness Personality and Behavior style that is motivated by cooperation and sincere appreciation.
Successful communication is dependent on what is heard NOT what is said. Each of these communication styles is beneficial and necessary at some point while carrying out administrative duties. Understanding how my communication style comes across to other people, as well as being able to “read” other people’s behavior, are essential to working best (not just well) with others. Over the last year, I’ve been successful finding common ground with staff, while maintaining my individuality and integrity. I’ve adjusted my behavior in small ways to improve results of crucial conversations and tense

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