Organization Culture: Organizational Culture And Employee Motivation?

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Organizational Culture: Organizational culture consists of parameters that members share and hold in common and implies structural stability and is embedded throughout the organization’s language, customs, traditions, ritual and policies. One can tell an organization’s culture by looking at what people wear, what time they come to work, what they brag about, even by how office space is distributed. The study of culture may focus on decoding artifacts such as organizational taboos, jargon, metaphors, humor, gossip, and any concepts that underlie the informal relationships between operators, managers, executives and their clients
Organization development is a (1) planned, (2) organization-wide and (3) managed from the top effort, (4) to improve organization effectiveness through (5) planned interventions in organizations’ processes using behavioral sciences (Beckhard, 1969).
Employee Motivation: Employee Motivation is a process that starts with a physiological or psychological deficiency or need that activate a behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive (Mitchell, 1982). This definition presupposes that to achieve their goals, individuals must be sufficiently stimulated and energetic. They must have a clear focus on what is to be achieved and must be willing to commit their energy for a long period of time to realize their goals and aims. …show more content…

An Appreciative Inquiry can be “as formal as a year-long, whole system process involving hundreds of employees and other stakeholder in interviews, dialogue and decision-making, Or it may be as informal as a conversation between a manager and an associate” (Cooperrider, Whitney, & Stavros,2008,p. 101). There are 5Ds- Definition, Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny (Cooperider and Whitney, 2001) for participants to use in order to implement positive working

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