Ordinary Form Of Mass Essay

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The Eastern Orthodox Church is a branch of Christianity, it rooted in the early Church and was developed in the Greek-speaking eastern branch of the Roman Empire. The Eastern Orthodoxy’s faith is very close to the faith of Roman Catholic Church. Orthodox Christianity‘s worship is highly liturgical and very iconographic. The Annunciation Greek Orthodox church that located in Houston Texas is the proto-cathedral of the Denver Metropolis. While attending the high Mass in the Annunciation Greek Orthodox catheral, and the Ordinary form of Mass in a Roman Catholic Church, one can tell the similars and differences between two form of the Orthodox church and Roman Catholic church in celebrating liturgy. The Ordinary Form of Mass also call Novus Ordo, which is the form of Mass that allow people to celebrate the Sacred Mystery in vernacular language. The Orthodox high Mass and the Ordinary form of Mass are both similar in the main orders and elements in celebrating Mass. However, each form of Mass has it unique way in celebrating liturgy, such as the different of the readings in the Liturgy of the Word, the Creed, the offertory of the Gift, and the gesture of the communicants in receiving Holy Communion.
Furthermore, one of the main parts of the Mass is the liturgy of the Word, the Word of God that nourishes and help us to live a holy …show more content…

While attending the Annunciation Orthodox cathedral’s high Mass, I think the church is beautiful, the architectures of the Church is fill with icons. The celebration is proper and formal. The singing and chanting are nonstop throughout the entire Mass including the constantly present of incense. The solemn procession that invited the faithful to participate in the celebration more

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