Salutations to the Greek Theotokos

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I had the great privilege of visiting the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. I visited this Church to witness the Salutation to the Theotokos, an annual service held to honor the annunciation of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. In this paper I will discuss the history of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church along with a detailed description of the architecture and interior of the church. I will also explain the service I attended, Salutations to the Theotokos and my perspective of the service. But In order to fully understand all that I must first explain, leadership within the Church,and iconography.

The Clergy of the Orthodox church are set apart through ordination and are divided into three orders, Deacons, Priest and Bishops. I found out by talking to Father Constantine that a priest can be married or celibate, as long as he is married before he is ordained. If a priest is ordained single he must stay celibate. Celibate priest generally belonging to a monastic order called "Archimandrite." Bishops are usually chosen from the ranks of the Archimandrites. Orthodox clergy of all orders wear the cassock in public, but when participating in a church service wear the vestment of their own order and rank. The colors and fabrics may also change according to the season or service.

A major theme in the Orthodox church is iconography. In the Orthodox church the paintings are not merely pictures they are icons, an icon makes the saint "present." These icons receive prayers and veneration, but are not worshiped. Icons are not portrayals of scenes like some stained glass windows, they are of one or two people, a holy portrait. Iconography is not restricted to the church but can also be displayed in houses or worn as jewelr...

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...altar through the royal doors, and censing the altar. I found this part to be very interesting. Everyone stood while the censing was taking place and the offered up prayers and crossed themselves as the Priest and Bishop walked by.

The service concluded with the bishop standing and speaking to the people for a few minutes he spoke on the importance of the service and He shared some scripture and personal stories. After the service Father Constantine invited everyone next door for refreshments, and stayed in the nave to answer any of our questions, this time was very helpful to me since this was my first time at a Orthodox church. Overall it was a very enjoyable experience I learned a lot about the Orthodox tradition. I don't think I would have been able to grasp the differences between the different branches in Christianity without witnessing them first hand.

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