Big Five Taxonomy Analysis

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People on this planet have distinct personalities that differentiate them from everyone else. Personality refers to the “structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristics patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior” (Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson 278). Personality has the ability to shape the way people perceive who we are, telling them how we behave in a social environment. Being that there are more than 1,000 adjectives used to describe the types of personalities, the Big Five Taxonomy is used to summarize all those adjectives. In this paper, I intend to discuss the Big Five Taxonomy Dimensions in the workplace. I. Conscientiousness In the workplace, a manager will greatly benefit from hiring a person who displays …show more content…

In agreement with the way the book views negative effects of demonstrating an excessive amount of agreeableness, the article “The Dark Side of Agreeableness: Why Pleasing Isn’t Always Pleasant” encompasses the same idea. It elucidates on the fact that managers who hire employees who display too much agreeableness are easily the ones who are taken advantage of and are unlikely to enforce standards set forth by the …show more content…

Reflection After conducting my research, it was very clear that the research studies explained in the textbook, and the articles found using the Internet went mostly hand in hand. Some examples include: when talking about the contentiousness dimension, the study discussed in the book explained to us that people who have this trait are more beneficial to the workplace, because they are organized, ambitious, etc. The article “This Personality Trait Predicts Success” has the same view as the textbook, conveying the idea that the workplace has a high chance of growing with employees of this nature. On the contrary, when dealing with the neurotic dimension, the book and research I conducted were not parallel. The book does not directly deal with possible positive effects of hiring a neurotic employee. The article “Why Your Neurotic Employees Might Also Be Your Most Creative” explains that some companies benefit from having employees with this trait because they generate better

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