One Do-Over: Wrong Choices In High School

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One do-over is a really hard choice. There are so many wrong choices I made in life, but one really major point in my life that I would change does come to mind. I would honestly love to go back to my freshman year of my high school career. I want to do-over that year. I made so many bad relationship choices. I made too many terrible academic decisions. All of these choices lead to regrettable personal decisions. So to begin with, my academic decisions, I was a considerably lazy student to begin with. I made As and Bs with no effort. I thought that was just good enough. I was wrong, and I wasn’t mature yet. I wasn’t looking at the big picture. I was this smart kid who knew it all and breezed his way through. I did that for a little while, but it had negative consequences. I didn’t realize how important my education was until midway through my sophomore semester. I didn’t realize how much it would affect my later education like my GPA. I just wish that I could have been a more serious student in the beginning. I wish it wouldn’t have taken me almost two years to become the student I am today. It took a lot of extra work and stress that I could have avoided. …show more content…

I believe that the way you act and perform in life can be reflective of the people you sometimes associate yourself with. This part of my do-over is very simple. I chose people that weren't true friends and I got attached to people that weren't going to stay around. I wish I could go back to this part because it changed my personality some. It turned me bitter and changed my level of optimism and happiness. Which leads us to the last part of my freshman year that I would love to change. It had a negative effect on my personal relationships with my

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