Off-Course Reflection

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1. Write about a time when you were off course and took effective actions to get back on course. Examples include ending an unhealthy relationship, entering college years after high school, changing careers, stopping an addiction, choosing to be more assertive, or changing a negative belief or bias you held about yourself, other people, or the world (only what you feel comfortable sharing). Dive deep in your journal entry by asking and answering questions such as the following:
• In what area of my life was I off course?

• What choices had I made to get off course? In high school I did not see the need to do my homework as I would get high grades on tests and quizzes anyways. I learned though that not doing the homework had a major impact …show more content…

• What challenges did I face while making this change? Since I hadn’t completed homework in so long it was difficult for me to dedicate time to actually complete this but it was easily overcome through scheduling.
• What personal strengths helped me make this change? The strengths that helped me was my determination to succeed in life.
• What benefits did I experience as a result of my change? Benefits that I have currently in affect is that I have sustained a 4.0 and am on track to finish college earlier than anticipated.
• If I hadn’t made this change, what would my life be like today? If I hadn’t made this change I would likely not be doing well in my classes causing my success in college to be pushed further and further behind.

2. Write about an area of your life in which you are off course today. If you need help in identifying an area, think about desired outcomes and experiences and your goals and dreams discussed earlier. Explain which area of your life is furthest from the way you would like it to be. What choices have you made that got you off course? What will be the effect on your life if you continue to stay off

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