Obstacles In Life Study Guide

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Lesson number 1: Discipline is the basic set of tool we need for success.

Nothing comes easy and nothing lasts easy. And in order to ride that wave..when it goes up and when it comes down - you will need to maintain discipline along the way to turn your goals into accomplishments.

Lesson number 2: passion is the energy that keeps us going .

Put your heart into everything you do and just watch where that will lead you. You must have passion for what you do and how you do it. passion is the driving force behind success and happiness that allows us all to live better lives. So Surround yourself with passionate people , for its passion that will give them the ability to endure and innovate during the good and tough times.
I saw how everyone of our people worked passionately to achieve our mission and move us from a smaller …show more content…

Train your mind to see the good in every situation. Throughout our journey we learned how to actively look for opportunities in challenging situations.
In today’s time where we all lead stressful lives, we need to take out time to see the good in all scenarios. Being positive is actually a science. It trains your mind to visualize and achieve the outcome you desire.

Lesson number 4: Always be authentic. Stay true to who you are.
That means staying true to your enduring beliefs, values and ethics. Along the way sometimes we can diverge from our values and Once we ignore their meaning and impact, we’re in danger of damaging our own identity. Values and ethics are timeless principles that are embraced by those who lead a life with consciousness. MBC and we see hope everywhere – match what I always wanted to do – tell the good story; etc etc

Lesson number 5: Reputation matters – really matters – its what endures at the end.

Lesson 5: Be good . I think the world needs better people….and I do wake up every day thankful for what I have and what I can give back – big or

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