Nutrition Surveillance Essay

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1. Concepts
• Nutrition surveillance involves monitoring of the health, nutrition, eating behaviour and nutrition knowledge of the population by collecting data on or about nutrition related health problems and factor for the purpose of prevention, control, planning and evaluation of nutrition policy.
This concept can be used to watch over the nutrition of the population so as to make decisions that can improve nutrition of the population
• Growth monitoring is a dynamic measure of health on monthly basis. It helps to follow the growth rate of a child in comparison to a standard by periodic, frequent anthropometric measurements in order to assess growth adequacy and identify faltering early.
It is used to know if there is progress or not. …show more content…

Most times this group of people are in rural communities in the north central part of the country. Most of the people in the community have little or no knowledge of their nutritional status and they pay little or no attention of the types of food nutrients consumed. A lot of malnutrition cases are seen in some of these communities due to poor nutrient/ dieting and food insecurity. Most of this people think consumption of package foods connotes more nutrient rich foods as such they place little value to the locally available foods which are more nutrient dense. Malnutrition in some of these communities is related to witchcraft or curse and cases are not properly handled as the child is either taken to a native doctor/spiritualist or abandoned and left to …show more content…

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