Proper Nutrition During a Baby's First Year

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The first year of a baby’s life is a time of rapid changes and figuring out who to trust in the world. That first year many things happen that are very important to the future of the infant. This point in life is a time of “rapid physical and nervous system development, accomplishments that ensure an infant’s survival and ability to cope with its world” (Dacey et al., 2009). Babies rapidly gain weight in the first year so nutrition is a very important part of the development process. They need a good diet consisting of “carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins” (Dacey et al., 2009). Proper nutrition ensures the correct development of newborns survival. “Having survived prenatal hazards, newborns come equipped with automatic responses ideally suited for survival” (Myers, 2008). The first year of a baby’s life is very important in ensuring a successful journey heading into their future. The nature and nurture debate has been studied for many years. Years ago many people thought that human behavior was “instinctive, simply our nature” (Macionis, 2008). Are people born with a predetermined plot of what their life will hold? Many researchers have done numerous studies that have proven that human behavior comes from how a person was nurtured after birth. Biology and nature mean the same thing, and we are biologically programmed at birth to do certain things. For example, at birth a person’s heart beats on its own, and a baby knows how to suck instantly. This shows the nature side of humans. How a child was nurtured at birth has a direct bearing on his or her future. One of the most famous experiments on attachment was Harlow’s monkey experiments. After watching a video of the monkey experiments the conclusion is that ... ... middle of paper ... ...asy to stay with that particular daycare or choose a more suitable one. The parents who cannot afford high quality child care may experience negative behavior in their babies. Babies are tiny little humans who need lots of love and guidance to be able to cope with the struggles of everyday life. Works Cited Harlow's monkey experiment. (2008, April 14). Retrieved October 5, 2010, from You tube: Belsky, J. (2009, March). Effects of Child Care on Child Development:Give Parents Real Choice. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from MPSV: Dacey, J., Travers, J., & Fiore, L. (2009). Human Develpment Across The Lifespan. New York: McGraw-Hill . Macionis, J. (2008). Sociology. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. Myers, D. G. (2008). Exploring Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers.

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