Nursing Reflective Essay

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I just wanted to start this blog post by thanking everyone for the comments and well wishes for the operation and recovery. The number of comments and positive energy has really helped as has speaking with others who have had a similar diagnosis was extremely helpful.
So after the first post things moved along very quickly, I went in for a pre-operation meeting at the hospital where blood is taken for testing as well as weight and height checks etc. are performed on Thursday. This pre-meeting was great for my peace of mind as I was able to speak with the nurses the physio and an anesthesiologist about what to expect for both pre, during and post operation. Maria came with me and the grandmothers looked after Nina which they all enjoyed. It was really good having Maria there to help digest the …show more content…

Practice your breathing through a special pipe that helps to re-inflate the lungs. Initially, it was really hard for me to get out of the bed and actually leave the room. I just wanted to sleep, wasn’t hungry and felt in quite a bit of pain. As each day passed through the improvement I felt on the last was remarkable. The staff at Linköping Hospital were great in helping me advance, managing the pain and ensuring everything was going well. On Wednesday I had the first of our daily physio group class where we start to re-activate the muscles around the chest, arms and back learning some special exercises to carry on when we get home. The days directly after surgery were still a little cloudy for me and I felt a confused and lethargic during this time. It helped seeing Maria and Mum when they came. I couldn’t manage much apart from these visits and the requirements for actual recovery. By Friday, I really started to feel a lot better and there was talk of heading home soon. I ended up being discharged on Sunday one week after I went in for

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