Nursing Advocacy: A Case Study

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The key aspects discussed in this paper will center around human trafficking and the need for nursing advocacy. Chapter 87, which is entitled “Human Trafficking: The Need for Nursing Advocacy” gives insight and defines the meaning of human trafficking but also lends the role of the nurse in the fight against such a heinous crime. Human trafficking is defined “as a serious crime of forced labor” (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw & O’Grady, 2016, p. 680). Unbeknownst to many, human trafficking is not restricted to just women, this crime can involve young children and also does not discriminate gender or ethnicity (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw & O’Grady, 2016).
“Human trafficking involves recruiting, harboring, transporting, transferring, or receiving a person for purpose of exploitation for forced labor or sexual exploitation by fraud, manipulation, or force and it is not necessary to be the actual controller in order to be prosecuted for human trafficking” (Chesnay, 2013, p. 901). However, in the year 2000, the federal law Victims of Trafficking and Violence protection Act (TVPA) was sanctioned, deeming human trafficking a federal crime (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw & O’Grady, 2016). Provisions such as these are vital in accordance with proceedings to prosecute those individuals who engage in such dehumanizing crimes.
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Being active at work assuring there are hotlines as well as social media sites to address human trafficking are vital participating tools that can exist on an individual level. More importantly, educating one's self on the signs of human trafficking has the ability to possibly save a person life who is either already involved or who may be at risk of becoming a potential victim. In this life, we have to be cognizant of our surroundings at all times, and more importantly, the well-being of not only ourselves but those around

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