Nursing 304 Assignment

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Nursing 304 Assignment: My First Experience with Death
My first experience with death founded my passion for nursing. Amidst the spinning tornado of emotions that struck me on that day, I was shown true compassion by a stranger, by a nurse. For all that he did for me and my family, I will forever be grateful, and as a student, I hope that I will be able to follow his example. I have found my bucket list to be ever-changing and does not highlight my relationship with death. Additionally, I am hesitant to write my eulogy due to recent personal experiences, so at this time I did not feel that this would be an appropriate choice for me. That is why my first death experience was the optimal choice.
My First Death Experience I remember the overcast November day as if it …show more content…

I was ten years old and my grandfather had recently had surgery to fix a brain bleed and was deteriorating rapidly. I was about to head to my soccer game when my mom phoned us, and then we rushed over to Victoria General Hospital. We met my uncle and my two cousins in the parking lot and then went up to the hospital room. It was a large room with lots of windows and we had it all to ourselves. Throughout the morning we sat at his bedside and played cards and each of us went up to his sleeping body and told him one thing that we liked about him. Between trips to get ice cream, telling us his stories from the Korean war, playing cards and rides on his scooter, I thought we had covered what I valued most about his company. We also had a wonderful nurse that checked on us periodically and spoke with mom and her sister about the care he was to receive. I was too young to understand most of these conversations, but I remember that he offered tissues and brought in a chaplain. My mom grew up in the Anglican church and so I feel that by having a spiritual leader there in my grandfather’s

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