Nurse Mentor Swot Analysis

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The Code for nurses and midwives(2015) states that as a nurses we must “Share your skills, knowledge and experience for the benefit of people receiving care, supporting students’ and colleagues’ learning to help them develop their professional competence and confidence”. That’s why our role as a mentor is critical in helping to facilitate the development of future generations of nurses (Royal College of Nursing 2007) and according to Landers (cited in the Nursing Times) clinical placement provides the opportunity for students to observe role models, practice, develop their skills and problem-solving abilities, and reflect on what they see, hear and do (Nicola Merrifield 2006). Seeing that, I have analyzed the learning environment using a SWOT analysis (see appendix 1) in my currently …show more content…

My suggestion is that this time would be used to go through their learning to identify areas for improvement or new learning objectives. I agree with the students, and I have identified that in the operating room, the nurse can be very busy and not have the time to review some aspects of student learning, that’s why the importance to have time mentor-student outside theatres. And as a consequence, an objective to take into account to improve the learning environment, will be to increase this time mentor-mentee. According to Bennett (2003) mentors need to take the time to get to know their students. (Emanuel V, Pryce-Miller M 2013) Because not every relationship is successful. In order to provide effective student support, mentors must be positive role models, knowledgeable, and able to develop good working relationship (Royal College of Nursing 2007). Talking with students we find that a way to sustain the mentor-student relationship is to have a follow-up and have the time to talk to make sure students have support and a facilitator of their development as a future

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