Noah And The Ark Essay

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In the beginning, one man is chosen to determine who lives and who dies as God decides that all of humanity is evil, that man is named Noah, a descendant of Seth. The story of Noah and the ark is one of the best-known stories of the Bible. Director Darren Aronofsky depicts and defines the Biblical flood story in his film, Noah, to evaluate the meaning of the flood, give an understanding of mankind’s changing nature and entertain the audience through a structure, characterization, and conflict. Aronofsky uses a simple film structure that is divided into three clear stages, the setup, the development and the resolution, for the audience to follow along. This structure helps the flow of the film and keeps the viewer’s eyes glued to the screen as they relate to the characters based on the Biblical flood story. The purpose of the story is to exemplify that God can and will destroy mankind when it becomes corrupt, that humans can lose their way no matter how righteous they are and simple laws that humans should follow. …show more content…

The lineage of Noah being descended from Seth is an important aspect of the film and the Bible because his family has not turned away from God, or Creator in Aronofsky’s version, and follows what He wants. The setup involves Noah dreaming of the flood and visiting his grandfather, Methuselah, for help, unlike in the Bible where God explicitly says to Noah, “make yourself an ark of cypress,” (Gen 6:14). Methuselah is shown as a protector when he fights for the Watchers and someone who is sought after for help. Methuselah can put Noah in a state where he understands the dreams the Creator sent him and create miracles when he meets Ila, a barren girl that falls in love with Shem, Noah’s oldest

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