Obsolete Chuck Palahniuk

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A Call for A New Start “Obsolete” is a creative short story that seems to carry a message about the evil world we live in. Planet Earth is a complete disaster on the verge of its break and end of humanity. Venus the new and improved planet; has luxuries that all could only dream of. The author Chuck Palahniuk speaks of the modern society by drawing attention to how blind sided and gullible people can be. People will follow others in order to stay within the trends of society as seen through the short story. Palahniuk creates a story told by characters with deviant minds. In this story suicide is not only normal, but it is encouraged. If families are committing suicide together that clearly shows that something is wrong. Instead of …show more content…

The government and media played a huge role in convincing people to emigrate just like in society today where they play a huge role in persuading people to commit certain actions. As citizens we look to the government for guidance, since they are in charge of our everyday lives and the knowledge we receive. They are our greatest sources of brainwashing. A great speaker and persuader can go very far in the actions they want to pursue. Take Hitler for example. He was crazed and everything he said was corrupt but somehow convinced everyone that he was right and superior. In this story, the government and media somehow convinced people suicide was acceptable and death could be sold at a local market. Time and time again our thoughts and outlooks are clouded by our wants. People prepared for death as if it was a departure to the Bahamas. People had everything they needed on Earth, yet wanted more. Larry visited the civic theater auditorium to play his electric guitar which would have been a dream if not for the mass suicide occurring outside. Eve used the entire shopping mall as her own private closet, only every girl's fantasy. Death was so widely promoted that suicide kits were eventually made, only that they were referred to as “going away kits”, which could be found at local Walmart’s and rite aids. The first kits made were head-sized plastic bag with a drawstring followed shortly by …show more content…

However, one cannot help but to believe it is some sort of message about our society. Consumerism, and materialism are huge traps in society. We follow trends that the media and government show us without even realizing how bizarre they can be. It would never be hard for them to persuade or brainwash us to do whatever they say as seen through Obsolete. Through the use of magazines, news, television, government and celebrities they convinced the characters of the story that suicide was acceptable. The media and the mainstream flow of society has caused the general public to blur the lines of right and wrong. Materialism and Consumerism forces us into comparing the possessions we have with possessions of others and ultimately brings a life short of happiness, causing us to fall deeper into a world of greed, lust, and gluttony. Perhaps this story could be sending a message telling us we need to start all over and fix the wrong we have been doing for years. After all, the story ironically ends with Adam and Eve starting a new world, a new

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