Negative Essay On Meditation

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Stress has the ability to affect the body in harmful ways. Effects include weakening of the immune system, sleep problems, fatigue, muscle pain, and even depression. Fortunately, there are a variety of techniques to help lower stress. Meditation is a fast simple technique that is used to relax the mind and body and combat stress. Anyone can learn how to meditate. It may look complicated, but the process is simple and perhaps the best part, inexpensive. Meditation requires no special equipment. All that is needed is something to sit on (a chair, cushion, bed, or floor), and a quiet environment. You may also opt to use a timer or relaxing music during your session, but that is not necessary. If in doing so, make sure the timer’s alarm and/or music is not jarring. Start by setting aside a certain time of day where you will not be interrupted by anyone or anything. A good time is in the morning before the rest of the household awakens, or in the evening before going to sleep. This time slot can range from 5 to 30 minutes. For beginners, 5 minutes is an ideal time due to the difficulty level of meditation. The next and …show more content…

Your mind will frequently wander. You will feel restless. This is completely normal as your mind is used to being constantly stimulated by thoughts, music, conversations, etc. It is important to not push away your thoughts. You must simply acknowledge their presence, but do not interact with them. Imagine your thoughts are clouds, and you are simply watching them pass by. Then, slowly but naturally, return your focus to your breathing. Observe the physical sensation of breathing: the cool air entering your nostrils, the expansion of your stomach, and the warmness of the air leaving your body. A technique for those who struggle to focus is counting breaths. Begin by counting “one” as you take in the first breath, then “two” as you breathe out. Repeat this to the count of 10, then start again at

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