Donald Trump: A Radical Change for America

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I believe that we need a change in America and I personally think that Donald Trump is going to be the president to bring us the change that is needed to make America great again. His views on gun control, which is that it is unnecessary, and his ideals to bring jobs back to America from china are all good thing that Americans needs. He has a lot of great ideas, and some not so great, in my opinion, that he has to offer if he becomes the President of the United States in the next election. Hillary Clinton is not necessary a bad choice for America, I just believe that she wants to lead us down the same path that we have been on for the last 8 years. We need a huge change and Donald Trump can give us that. Donald Trump has some very harsh opinions on illegal immigration. He said, and I quote “When Mexico (meaning the Mexican Government) sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you (pointing to the audience). They’re not …show more content…

He is going to reform the national debt problems with many different resources. Hopefully, he is going to raise taxes for the richer and leave the taxes in a moderate area for the working class. He is going to crack down big time on illegal immigration. He is going to make the processes to buy guns more thorough and make sure to focus on mental illness more, which he believes is the reason to the mass shooting and school killings, not the guns. I believe that his main voter group will be working white males, because of his views of reformation. He isn’t going to raise their taxes, they will be allowed to keep their guns, and he is promising to make illegal immigration ceases. All of these issues are targeted to working white men, which 77% of America is Caucasian and 49.2% of the population is male. If Donald trump sticks to what he has said when he is elected president, I believe he may actually make America great

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