Donald Trump Research Paper

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As pretty much everyone in America knows, Donald Trump is running for president in 2016. In the beginning, many people did not give him a chance at the nomination for President but now people are starting to take notice. His plan to stop illegal immigration and cut down on the number of terrorists in America makes him the best man for the job. The American people deserve a President that will stand up for the USA in a way that no President since our founding fathers has. After reading this, it would be wise to go ahead and vote for him because he will be the next President of the United States. Donald Trump loves America, by being in New York CIty on 9/11, Trump has developed a deep love for America that has driven him throughout this election. …show more content…

Trump has gained the reputation for being a tough negotiator and that carries some weight. “You need to understand that Mr. Trump never shakes hands with anybody. So don't be offended if he doesn't offer his hand, and don't offer your hand when he comes in the room” (Donald Trump’s Negotiation Mind Games). This shows how Trump can turn a simple handshake into a way to make someone feel “special” when trying to close a deal with him. “With Iran, sanctions all over the place. Believe me, you can make the right deal if you have the right negotiator. Part of the problem we have, Sean, we have people that are diplomats doing our (negotiating). They know nothing about negotiating. All they know how to do is keep their job. They know nothing about negotiating. If we had the right people, we could solve the ISIS problem and we could solve the Iran problem and a lot more quickly than you’d think” (Trump). Trump knows how to stare down people who try to get in his way; this will come in very handy when he needs to sit down with Russia and talk about key problems. Up until now America has had lifelong politicians that only have a background in politics. Donald Trump gives the American people an option that they have never had before. Someone that thinks a little bit outside of the box and that is not afraid to tell people what he thinks and does not care if it hurts feelings …show more content…

One of the most heated topic in the country just so happens to be the simplest part of Trump’s policies. “We are a country of laws. We need borders. We will have a wall [on the Mexican border]. The wall will be built. The wall will be successful. And if you think walls don’t work, all you have to do is ask Israel. The wall works, believe me. Properly done. Believe me” (Trump). A wall, that is about as simple as it gets. Many Americans believe that the immigration problem is more complex but it really is not. Illegal people are streaming into this country right under the government’s nose and they don’t even know about it. A wall with a well staffed guard will eliminate that problem. “And Mexico is going to pay for the wall, because Mexico–I love the Mexican people, I respect the Mexican leaders, but the leaders are much sharper, smarter and more cunning than our leaders. And people say, “Oh, how are you going to get Mexico to pay?” A politician cannot get them to pay. I can” (Trump). This really combines the last two statements by showing that Trump has the skills to not only keep illegal people out but also a way to get the other country to pay for it. Trump does not want to stop immigrants all together, he understands that America was built on immigrants. He simply wants to stop the illegal immigrants that drag down our economy and make it hard on actual

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