Narrative Essay On Babysitting

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Babysitting I was babysitting 2 red headed twins, they were busy eating raviolis and cereal so I went to turn on the star channel for them to watch, but they grabbed the raviolis and dumped it on their heads then got the cereal, and dumped it on themselves, like the raviolis. After they get done eating, I get them to the tub and wash them up and get all the ravioli and cereal out of their hair. I get them dressed and ready to go to bed and one of them went to the bathroom and pooped all over her outfits. When I walk in there is poop all over the walls and the bars of her crib,even her sister. I put them both in the tub and washed them again and finally I got them to sleep. So here comes Wyatt the little boy I babysit ,he’s 5 and loves …show more content…

So I have to make breakfast and get Wyatt to school and the girls to daycare and myself to school. I get to school and I have Wyatt's homework and Wyatt has mine so we meet up on a bus and we exchange homework. I finally get back to school and I didn't realize I had a test today and I failed it. I finally get all the kids and get to walking home. I realize Leah has pooped on herself and Emma puked so we go to the bathroom and we go in the girls room because I gotta change the girls. I get the girls changed and pretty,and ready to go. Wyatt wanted things from the store ,but I didn't think he needed more so we left. We get home the house is clean the girls are asleep and the little boy is asleep too so I go ahead and lock the doors and relax. I get to go back home and I realize my sister trashed our room, left dishes everywhere ,and clothes all over the bed. So I fold the clothes and get the dishes out of the room and put the toys up. I get to working in the dishes when my mom wakes up and she helps me. I decide that we needed to get the laundry. So I transfer them to the dryer and

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