Myers Briggs Type Indicator Test

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For this assignment, I took the Myers Briggs Type Indicator test.
After taking the test, my results were Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging (ESFJ).
Extroversion is something people have been using to describe me my entire life.
I am constantly looking for new ways to meet people. Usually I run into someone I know everywhere I go, even in new places or when traveling. This trait helps me because I am not afraid to go out of my way to help people. I feel comfortable talking to and meeting new people. Currently I am working towards opening my own restaurant. Although being an extrovert is wonderful it also has its draw backs. As an extrovert, I often speak off the cuff without thinking through before …show more content…

I feel I am in the middle between sensing and intuition. when working on a project, I obsess over the details and the data. I use my knowledge to create new ways of accomplishing tasks to make future projects easier. I also use trial and error as a technique to find more possibilities within projects. This may create more work for me in the short term but in the long term I am better off. at the beginning of a project, I ask questions to know exactly what direction I want to go. This allows me to plan out and finish the project, putting in as much detail as possible. Feeling, my third trait, means that I am a people-oriented person. I make my decisions thinking about what is best for the people involved. I enjoy making people happy; it is what brings me the most fulfillment. One example is the Order of The Arrow in which I do environmental cleanup. The judging characteristic helps me with my daily routine. I prefer making list and following the schedule. Planning my day ahead of time keeps me less stressed. As an ESFJ, I provide practical experience. I want work to be efficient and consistent in everything I do. Life is all about meeting people and building relationships. As an ESFJ, that

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