My Writing Strategies

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While writing this essay, I realized how important it is to choose your words carefully when writing and the different strategies to use while constructing your essay. Using the different strategies can completely alter the meaning of your writing, even when writing about the exact same thing and using the same details. The strategy that I feel was most important when writing was choosing words with specific connotations. Words like “bright” and “breeze” have a connotation that evokes positive feelings, while words with similar meanings like “gaudy” and “gale” have more negative connotations that alter your view of an event. Some words have little or no emotional connotation, and these words will be less effective in creating a strong feeling in your reader. Another important strategy is using figurative language. Using figurative language is a good way to easily get your point across. By comparing a new situation to one the reader is likely already familiar with, the reader will be able to more easily make a comparison and visualize the situation the author is describing. Helping a reader visualize helps them connect to your writing and become more interested in what you have to say. Selecting details that convey your intended …show more content…

While writing, I got so caught up in imagining this location as a pleasant, bright place that I didn’t want to view it as a negative one. In order to change views I had to spend some time revising my impression of the place. The positive connotations had formed such a strong opinion that the negative one did not come easily. I felt like I had to write as if I was an entirely different person. I took the complaints that I had heard about this place and tried to put myself in the shoes of those who had made those complaints. It then became easier to write from a negative point of view about a place that I

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