Preparing My Writing Habits

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As a current learner, I constantly have to make adjustments as needed and repeat. My daily adjustments are editing my writing. Writing has been a continuous problem that haunts me in my sleep since I was a high school student. It's extremely difficult to not compare your writing to others and wonder how long they took on their assignments as well as how often do they edit? It is nice to know that I have access to many programs that help with editing major assignments. Being a learner is a constant battle for me. According to Sellers, Dochen, and Hodges “ Habits are “the choices that all of us deliberately make at some point, and stop thinking about but continue doing”. One habit that I set currently is to set short and long-term academic goals. My short term goals academically are on a week by week bases because I get overwhelmed when seeing the workload. I’ve always been a student that need step by step instructions and assignment. For example- In most online classes, The modules are broken up into steps which help me not feel overwhelmed. Over the years, I learn that I get easily distracted and unfocused which leads to long nights, tears and utter frustration with myself. The solution that I found is that I can only work at home at my kitchen table facing the wall with earbuds on or at a coffee shop with earbuds in. …show more content…

I originally started the Master's program in Summer 2008 during my first year of teaching which wasn’t a good idea for me. 10 years later I’m finishing my last two classes and should be graduating in August. Goals can be full of obstacle and

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