My Writing Skills

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My senior year of english has been the most challenging yet the most beneficial. Some might say that writing is irrelevant to their life when in reality having the skill to writing clearly and is very important. Having the ability to write precisely can simply show a difference of a good writer from a great writer. Writing is not an easy subject to get the hang of so studying hard and writing a lot of essays in high school (that’s when we get taught proper writing skills) will for sure benefit the future. It can benefit if you are looking for a job, writing college applications and especially sending in scholarships. When I was first developing my writing skills my first couple years of high school I noticed that I wasn’t a very good writer …show more content…

More specifically the tone, vocabulary and sentence structure made it very unpleasing to read. With every essay I noticed I got better and better with my writing style and eventually got higher scores. However, I know it took me awhile and it was a little frustrating along the way but I know essays are not easy to write. I learned that not everyone can just grab a piece of paper and pencil and great a great essay. It takes time to accumulate a good writing technique. Although, I have never been a strong writer I know I can write a decent paper if I try hard and make sure to get feedback from my classmates. I have also learned through this course that I maintained a much better grade when we only wrote responses. This was because the responses were shorter and I could write straight to the point. Whereas my essays felt like they just drag on about nothing because I am not always sure what to keep writing about without repeating myself over and …show more content…

For instance, our last presentation essay was about commercials and ads and digging deep about why the producers make the ads they way that they do. We did this assignment with a partner and I think it helped me write better because talking with someone helped me make my thoughts more clearer. I also got a mucher better grade on that paper than any other essay in that class. I learned that they are either Ethos, Pathos or Logos to grab the viewer's attention and what they don’t put in the commercials to distract them from the reality of the product. Another example is when we read the different homeless articles and had the big class discussions about them. I know I didn’t participate a lot in the discussions but that was because I liked to hear other people's opinions about the topic. That’s when I started noticing how quiet I can be during a discussion when I should probably be more

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