The Value Of Personality Assessment Strengths

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This paper demonstrates the value of utilizing personality assessment tools to recognize my strengths and weaknesses within my behavior. I pride myself on my values and often find myself pushing them onto others. I am a highly motivated individual that takes my work seriously, enjoys advancing in my career and I do what needs to be done to get the job done. My decision-making is often dependent upon the facts and how the outcome will affect others. I need all the details before I make a decision and lack innovation. My extroversion allows me to feel at ease when communicating with others, but I often am to probing in my approach and can seem aggressive in conversation. My leadership style varies depending on the situation. I often know what I have realized that to be an effective contributor to an organization, there are a numerous breadth of qualities to be desired. In obtaining the results from the personality tests, I have a better perception of my strengths and weaknesses within my personality. This will allow me to have a new perspective on how and why I behave in particular situations. Therefore, I know what my weaknesses are and work to be stronger in those particular areas. In particular, what have you learned about yourself from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, co-worker, and/or manager? Provide specific examples. Avoidance of conflict has always been a part of my life. I don’t identify with conflict being a means to an end. I strive for harmony in all areas of my life and am overly sensitive to what I identify as negativity. This perspective has resulted in me going to extremes to please another or being exceedingly sensitive to what is meant to be constructive criticism. For example, when I get questioned on my approach on a particular situation, I get instantly defensive because of my heightened sensitivity to keeping everything in accord. I now realize that it is not always black and white when it comes to conflict; there is a grey area. Sometimes there needs to be differences to come to a mutual

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