My Relationship With Jesus Research Paper

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My relationship with Jesus is still growing, I am always trying to get closer to him, in the choices that I make, through prayer, and reading the word. Although I am very far from perfection the desire of my heart is to know him and become like him.
I cannot pinpoint an exact moment when he became real to me. My journey to Christ has been gradual. Sadly, I am not sure of exact dates and times. Nonetheless, this is my story. I was Mormon from the time I was born, in fact, I trace my lineage back to Hyrum Smith(the brother of the founder of the Mormon faith). Ever since I was very young I was in love with figure skating. I started ice skating lessons when I was 9 and was competitive by the time I was 12. I loved skating, it was my escape from …show more content…

As heartbreaking and world shattering this experience was I like to look at this as the beginning of my journey. I deciding to quit figure skating, it just wasn't the same after my injury, and I wanted to pursue music. While looking for voice lessons I met a lady who had a performing arts group. After joining the group I also decided to enroll in a private school run by the same lady. I began my freshman year of high school at this Mormon private school called Kimber Academy. Every morning we would study the book of Mormon and Bible. At this time I became hungry for the truth I wanted to know Jesus. I grew a very great respect for the Lady who ran the Academy. My mom had become great friends with her. during a visit to her house, she explained to us that she no longer believed in the Mormon church but still believe in the Book of Mormon and a new prophet by the name of Denver snuffer. I too stopped believing in "the church", and adopted her belief in this "new prophet". I gradually stopped believing this way after a series of events and by the end of 2016 had been converted to Christianity. On January,2,2017 I was baptized on the coast of Hilo, HI. Reflecting on this time in my life it is evident to me that Jesus really does pursue

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