My Perfect Classroom Essay

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The perfect classroom goes beyond the subject studied and the layout of the room. The perfect classroom encompasses the instruction, discipline, environment, and assessments to help each and every child in a beneficial learning atmosphere. Without including all areas, as teachers, we may be hindering the potential learning environment for our students. My perfect classroom continues to evolve daily, and I as a teacher continue to grow daily as well. Instruction goes further than the content that is taught. It should go as deep as who, what, when, where, and how. Who do I want to reach with my instruction? In my classroom all students have the ability to learn, and the instruction should include ALL students. What should be taught within the classroom? This goes deeper than the material that is covered. It should have the focus on the enduring understandings and essential questions. Without knowing the big ideas and what we want our students to take away, how do we know what information to present? I as a teacher need to know what …show more content…

Students are involved with the creation of the community in the classroom. Within my classroom, students help create the rules and expectations of the classroom. With the creation of the rules and expectations, the students also help create guidelines if those rules and expectations are broken. Students will need to have an understanding between the meaning of equal and fair. The environment has a feeling of safety and encourages students to challenge their learning. The layout of the classroom has the use of tables versus desks to provide the community feeling. Students have areas it the classroom designated for quiet work time. To create an environment that fosters a growth mindset also provides an opportunity for students to speak. Students will feel comfortable opening up within the classroom, which will encourage a continued growth in

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