My Pawpaw: My Role Model

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When growing up I was fortunate enough to have my great-grandparents on my moms side. My great-grandparents are everything to me. I spent most of my childhood at their house on the farm. Our days would be filled with excitement even if everything we planned went wrong. I spent everyday either baking a cake with my Nana or riding the tractor with my Pawpaw. My Nana hold our family together. She is 86 years old but, she does not let that stop her. Every week she walks around her house and picks up anything that is not supposed to be in her yard. She has her lawn guys come over and she bosses those boys around like she is their momma. Even though she works her lawn company to death, she still feeds them and makes them feel at home. Anyone who knows my nana knows she makes the best pound cake in town. She is known for her special desserts. My nana will do anything for anyone as long as she …show more content…

He had a love for his community and his family. He helped anyone and everyone get past their struggles in life. In 2012 my Pawpaw's health started going downhill. He started showing signs of dementia. He slowly started forgetting where he had placed his tools or keys. By 2014 he was forgetting where he was and what he was doing. He would often get out of his house and walk down the road leaving our family to worry where he was. In 2015 my Pawpaw was placed in a bed for the rest of his life. He could not remember any of our names but, he remembered our faces. We had to place him in a hospital one night because of health issues and that was the last night I ever heard my Pawpaw say "I love you Samantha". This killed me, I would never hear my Pawpaw say my name anymore. By the end of 2016 he took a turn for the worse and unfortunately passed away. Our family felt a great sorrow but we felt better since he is in a better place. My Pawpaw was a great man that shaped me into who I am today and I'll always be his little

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