My Mother's Addiction Is Affecting The Family

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As a child growing up, one does not necessarily know the problems that their parents face. Most children see the world behind rose colored glasses. However, as children grow older they start to notice like things that are different between themselves and other children. The people and the environment that one grows up in and around can impact them in multiple ways. I was born in a small East Texas town to a drug addicted and an older gentleman for a father. Growing up, my family was on welfare since my father was an old man and my mother could not keep a steady job due to her addiction. As I started to get older I noticed that my friend’s mothers would not leave at days or even weeks at a time and come back completely wasted. Noticing this I saw how my mother’s addiction was affecting the family negatively financially and emotionally. My mother has done drugs my entire life excepts for little times where she tried to stop which didn’t last long. My mother grew up with my great grandmother most of the time because her mother before her was addicted to drugs. Her childhood was …show more content…

We learned that the general adaptation syndrome is what happens to your body when your stressed out. There are three different phases that one goes through when they are stressed out. The first phase is where the body is experiencing alarm and adrenaline is produced. The second phase is where the body starts to resist the stress and starts the process of slowing down because the body cannot work forever. The last phase is where the body slows down complete because it cannot function under extreme amounts of stress. However, people who chose to do drugs usually stay in the first phase because they drug keeps the body on alarm. The drugs however have their own negative effect on the body. While the user is experiencing pleasure from the use of the drug the body is being attacked by the foreign substances entering the

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