Social Effects Of Isolation

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Effects of Isolation Isolation effects people negatively. How does this affect the person and the people that will be around them? Different types of isolation have different effects. For example, social isolation can cause people to be awkward, lonely, and insecure as where emotional isolation can cause people to be depressed and be mentally ill. The consequences of isolation can be very bad. for example, death or depression. However, the steps we can take to limit these situations would be to talk to somebody, include people, be understanding. While many people are unaware of social isolation. It is very common, some ways to recognise it is when someone doesn't leave much, don't do things with people as much, or is moody and tells you to “leave them alone”. When people withdraw themselves from friends and family it can cause depression,anxiety and social awkwardness. “Social isolation can be caused by the way they look, dress, act, or combination of all these factors.” This quote illustrates some examples of how social isolation can occur. …show more content…

This can happen for example when someone is in solitary confinement. They become crazy, lonely,depressed, and with mental health. When people become mentally ill from this its bad not on just them but on others. It can cause harm to others or themselves. “Drastically reducing the amount of “normal social interaction, of reasonable mental stimulus, of exposure to the natural world, of almost everything that makes life human and bearable, is emotionally, physically , and psychologically destructive.” this quote illustrates how people act with this problem it pulls them away from real life into this depressing state of

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