Drug Addiction: Changing The Brain

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Drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug abuse. One mistake people make is the belief that drug abusers should be able to just stop taking drugs if they are really willing to change their behavior, the truth is they have no control. Even though it is not just super easy to stop being a drug addict, we know that drug addiction can be treated to help people who want to stop abusing drugs and continue on with their lives. A common question, what is drug addiction? Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking use, despite harmful effect and those around them. It is true that people make the decision to take drugs but over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can …show more content…

Addicted individuals believe they have a mindset that they can stop using drugs on their own, and most try to stop without treatment. Some people can stop on their own but others can not. This is because after using drugs for so long they get so used to taking drugs that they just feel like they do it because they want to, and that makes them think that they can just stop whenever they feel like it. The truth is that they cannot just stop when they want to because they have a chronic disorder and they need real treatment to actually get help. Psychological stress from work, family problems, psychiatric illness, pain associated with medical problems, social cues can trigger intense cravings without the individual even being consciously aware of the triggering …show more content…

A drug addict’s drug abuse may cause them to become violent, emotionally abuse their children or even sexually abuse them, causing damage that will stay with them for the rest of their lives, Many children of addicts suffer from long term emotional and psychological damage that causes serious affects on their social stability, as well as their education and mental health. Using drugs can cause the addicts children to lose respect for them as they are no longer the reliable parent. The addicts home may be lacking structure and rules causing the children to turn to a life similar to the addicts as an escape from the pain in their reality. For the child to have to go through watching a loved one suffer with drug addiction they may begin to blame themselves for the drug use of the addict, which can cause even further mental and emotional

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