My Identity Crisis During Adolescent Development

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I learned that the adolescent development stage is a period that does not have a clearly defined time frame since it essentially depends on the person who is going through it. It did not become a noteworthy developmental period until after the Great Depression in America, and I did not know this before taking this course. I also learned that even though this period is characterized as a being chaotic and eventful, today, it is not as negative as it is thought to be. During adolescence, teens go through physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development that can be negatively affected by their environment. However, another thing that I did not know before about the adolescent stage is that during this time, one can create resilience if they …show more content…

I would tell about how my mother made decisions for me throughout the majority of my life which made me confused and unable to make adequate decisions on my own. When I did make decisions on my own, I would often choose the decision because I only wanted to be different from my other siblings, since I am the youngest child. I would also tell about when I started to question my life and parents when I was in middle school as I was starting to develop beliefs of my own, which caused disagreements in my household. Outside of my home, I would tell about how I worked hard to be successful in school, but did not receive the praise that I thought I deserved. Despite that, my hard work caused me to attain several achievements that I was proud of even when no one else cared. My story would help others realize that we all go through things for a reason but, in the end, succeed to prove to yourself that you can and not others for their validation is not worth your compromises. Overall, my story would warn about how others can negatively impact an adolescent's identity, but if they learn not to let other influence their lives then they could triumph in the

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