My First On-Stage Experience At Mountain Community School

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It is very easy to remember my first on-stage experience. I was only five years old at the time, and if it were not for that, I would probably have not done many other musical and plays, and I would not have met my best friends. This is essay is about my first time discovering where I belong. What I wanted to do. Kindergarten was very… well, you know… wild. Because of all the five-year-olds. I was at Mountain Community School. My brother took classes at a small children's theater called the youtheater for fun. He is three years older than me, so he was seven. I never took a class there because I was a shy kid, and didn’t really want to meet new people. But my brother would tell me how fun they were. So one day, I got up my courage, and asked …show more content…

This time I was determined not to be late. So with all my five-year-old might, pushed, and pushed , and gave up. So I sat there waiting again. A bigger kid in my class named Ben came up and opened the doors. But luckily, I wasn’t late. They were reading out the names of people in the class and the parts they got. I waited anxiously for them to call out my name. I was the last name to be called. I got the part of the mosquito. At first I was a bit hesitant about my part. I didn’t like… bugs. But everyone was congratulated me. So I thought I could roll with it. We were all given a script. It was a small script that only had 6 pages. But there was a problem. I couldn’t read. It wasn’t really a big deal, because many kids in that class didn’t know how to read. So they read aloud our parts, and we would …show more content…

I wanted to go over them as much as a could. The first day, I probably rehearsed my lines about 6 six times. And the rest of the week, all I wanted to do was rehearse my lines. So by the time I came there the next week, I had it memorized. The next three weeks were blocking the show. I thought blocking was going to be fun. I was very wrong. I hated every second of it. The teachers were harsher, and everybody just wanted to play games. I think I even ended up crying. When my mom came to pick me up, I told her I didn’t want to go back. But alas, She forced me to go back. This time I asked my mom to open the door right before she left, she got out of the car, and opened the door, and then got back in the car. When I walked in, the teacher said we were going to the blue room. I’ve never been to the blue room before, so I was very curious. It was down the steps. The doors to the blue room were large, like the ones on the front door. The teacher open the doors, and there it was. It was a huge room with blue walls and multiple mirrors on the walls. They told us this is where we are going to be performing. That day was much better then last week. We tried on our costumes that day. I had a large mask. I thought I was really

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