Personal Narrative: Moving To America

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I’ve lived in Palestine the first eleven years of my life. I stayed there and went to school there, until one day we decided to travel and move to a whole different country, America. I was excited but what got me nervous was the fact that I’ll be facing a new educational system that I know nothing about. Even though I felt scared, however I got excited because this life is for us to try new things. Sixth grade in Eastway Middle School in North Carolina was a whole different school from the one in Palestine, Al-Jeeb school. There are many differences and similarities between these two institutions, but I think the major differences that I’ve seen between these two institutions are, teachers, languages, and sports. Teachers in Al-Jeeb school were different from …show more content…

It is good for Young students engage in playing sports and participating in activities. But, unfortunately for me I didn’t play basketball, soccer, or even go to the gym until Sixth grade in Eastway. I didn’t even know how to play anything when I was in Al-Jeeb school, we never had an extra hour or two to play. We had health class where we would go outside and exercise but that’s not considered as “sports.” However, in Eastway middle school, we used to have at least an hour every day in the gym. We used to get all these “cool” sporty equipment’s and play anything we want. First time going to a school’s gym was astonishing because I’ve never been to one up until 6th grade. I loved playing soccer and basketball to the point where we had a competition. Whoever gets the most points in basketball, gets to play with a team in front of the whole school! Guess what, I made it to that point because I was so into sports. I’ve never had a match in my life were a lot of people get to look at me playing, I was a little agitated, but

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