Personal Narrative Essay: Red Headband In High School

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They were dirty, and very worn out. I threw on my new shirt. Well, it really wasn't exactly new, but it was new to me. It was a hand me down from my Aunt. It was a red plaid flannel that I thought actually looked decent on me. I brushed my hair, and even straightened it. I put a red headband in with my hair teased into a pony tail with extra Hairspray. I did my makeup a little more than normal. I put eyeliner on the top and bottom of my eyes, and used a little bit darker foundation to make me look more tan as if I was actually going outside a lot this summer. I took one last look at myself before I walked to the high school for the first time. I looked decent, I thought. I thought I at least look a little bit better than I did on the last day …show more content…

I realized that my locker was the top locker, thank God. I hated it in 8th grade whenever I always felt like I had to wait for the girl whose locker was above mine to get out of the way so I could get all of the things out of my locker that I needed for class. I then took all of the books out of my backpack and stacked them side by side neatly into my locker. I bought a pink locker shelf to put in there, too and I put my books at the bottom of the shelf, and all of my notebooks on the top shelf just so I could be a little bit more organized this year. I pulled out my wrinkled schedule out of the plastic cover on the front of my notebook and started walking down the hallway to my first hour class. As I was walking, I heard the tardy bell ring and I started to get worried that I was going to be tardy to class on the first day of school, but I soon realized my class was just around the left corner. I was the last one who walked into class, of course, and everyone stared at me. I looked at the board and found where my assigned seat was, then walked quietly to my seat, and sat down. On the right side of me, there was a girl I had never seen before, and there was an empty seat on the left side of

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