Mr Ghasedi Character

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Scary? Big? Intimidating? Does Mr. Ghasedi make you think of these things? Mr. Ghasedi is just the opposite. He is an easy going and relaxed man. His personality and focus on kids helped Mr.Ghasedi, a Northeast Middle School P.E. teacher, to earn the Teacher of the Year Award. Mr. Ghasedi was nominated for Teacher of the Year by Mr. Richard Muszalski and Mrs. Kathy Pennington. Mrs. Pennington stated that ¨Mr. Ghasedi helps students at both Northeast Middle and North High.” He coaches varsity football and coaches high school track. Mrs. Pennington explained that Mr. Ghasedi can relate to ESOL students because he came to the United States from a ¨war torn country.” She explained that he is very patient with students learning to live in a new country and he helps to make them feel comfortable and to belong. …show more content…

Ghasedi because she feels he is very humble and does not brag about what he does to help others. Mrs. Pennington said that she wanted others to know what a great man Mr. Ghasedi is and how much he cares about his students. Mr. Muszalski, a history teacher in 8th grade, also voted for Mr.Ghasedi because he doesn’t just help students at Northeast Middle School. He says” He helps kids at North High students as a coach and mentor.” He also voted for Mr.Ghasedi because Mr.Ghasedi wants his students to be successful and he will do whatever he can do to make his students have a good life and be very successful. Mr.Moo stated “ Mr.Ghasedi is a good role model to young students, especially minorities.” “I was shocked! I couldn’t believe that what I do for kids was a reason to be teacher of the year. I do what I do for kids because I have a passion for helping kids. I knew from a young age I wanted to help children.” Mr. Ghasedi is still a little surprised he received this award. He is happy that people respect the work he is doing

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