Mosquita Y Mari: American Cultural Identity

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Mosquita y Mari is a film about two sophomore girls who begin a friendship, and quickly develop intimate feelings for each other. Main character Yolanda is a straight A student who has the goal of going to college in the United States. Upon starting high school, Yolanda’s middle school friends drifted away, meeting new crowds and getting involved with drugs and alcohol. Unable to ask her parents for advice due to the growing tension in their marriage, Yolanda opts to start a friendship with a neighbor and classmate by the name of Mari. Mari is a rebel that does poorly in school, skips classes and sells shop flyers to help her mother pay bills after the death of her father. Like many second-generation Mexican immigrants to the United States, …show more content…

A majority of second-generation immigrants experience American cultural identities in public and Mexican cultural identities in the household. Many immigrants struggle to feel accepted by a new culture and strive to fit in by improving their socioeconomic status/income through getting an education, working for money, or marrying someone who will financially support you. This struggle to fit into the American culture can complicate how a person develops various aspects of their identity. One identity that is commonly affected by a new culture if one's sexual identity or orientation. A sexual identity is how a person views or labels themselves in relation to who they are attracted to. Common labels include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, and Queer. Second-generation immigrants fail to develop their sexual identity due to the pressures they experience to join the American culture by getting an education or by becoming financially stable through working and having …show more content…

For an undocumented immigrant, integrating into the american culture can be difficult because they do not have access to a college education. Instead, the american culture influences them to get jobs and have children so that they can make enough money to live a comfortable life in the U.S. Due to her family's demand for money, Mari began her first job, handing out flyers for a local store. She was later fired for throwing the flyers away and leaving work early to spend more time with Yolanda. It was at this time that Mari’s attraction for Yolanda grow, becoming first present when she changed in front of Yolanda, and developed into a desire to run away with her to Mexico. Mari is forced to suppress her attractions to Yolanda, in order for her to earn money prostituting herself to older men. Similarly, in the novel Locas by Yxta Maya Murray, main character Cecilia suppresses her same sex attraction to start a family with a local gang member by the name of Beto. She, like many other immigrants to america, believes that “Having a baby the only thing that would get me a better life” (60). This is because when a child is born in america, they automatically become citizens and are eligible for government assisted programs that offers mothers resources to raise their kids. In both instances, the

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