Monroe Doctrine: Slave Codes Across The South

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In my view, the most important lesson in unit three for I learn about is Monroe Doctrine, and the least important lesson is slave codes across the South. Monroe Doctrine was James Monroe’s achievement during his second term. It delivered by James Monroe to the United States Congress on December 2nd, 1923. Some people seem Monroe Doctrine represented isolationism. However, it is interpreted in a narrow sense, because it also implied the Continentalism which include whole Western Hemisphere. At that time, Jefferson and Madison agreed to the alliance declaration with Britain, and they advised Monroe to accept Britain’s offer. However, John Quincy Adams judged the joint declaration would restrain the nations’ liberty. Monroe agreed Adam’s proposal, and then he addressed the nation’s principles about the matter of Central and South America at the annual message. …show more content…

Personally, I think this announcement infuse patriotism into the heart of Americans. Also, Monroe Doctrine received a wholehearted welcome from emergent nations in Latin America. Even though the United States had the relatively short history, it showed America’s power to domestic and foreign that America grew enough to set the Americas. Therefore, Monroe Doctrine has great historical significance. Legislatures of States have framed slave codes which is more brutal torture, sexual abuse, and unjust than any enforced by a former slave state. These codes prohibited slaves to self-defense. Owners did not have any restrictions on splitting up families since slave codes did not legalize marriage between

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