The Role Of Slavery In The Civil War

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Slavery In The Civil War
The slaves were brought to America in 1619 to help with the crop industries and especially the production of tobacco. In the year of 1869 there was 3,950,528 slaves. The slaves influenced the Northern and southern armies, the U.S. government and help win the war. The slaves fought with the North and also helped build walls for the south. Abraham Lincoln created the Emancipation proclamation to free slaves as contraband, and they had a huge outcome on the war. The slaves played a big role in the Union army. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln past the Emancipation Proclamation which allowed the slaves to be able to fight. By the end of the war there was 179,000 slaves in the union army. They created the Emancipation Proclamation because they …show more content…

On January first 1863 lincoln past the law which change the title of slaves to free. Slaves that ran away and crossed the border were legality free. The Emancipation could not be enforced in rebellion regions but as the union army took over the land the slaves were freed. On September 22nd Lincoln said he was going to but the Emancipation Proclamation if the Confederate did not end their rebellion against the Union. Lincoln was hoping that the south would give up or some of them would get up. The Emancipation Proclamation lifted the spirits of African Americans both free and slave, which gave them hope and they started to fight back.
The slaves had a huge impact on the outcome of the war. There were approximately 179,000 slaves by the end of the war. Roughly 40,000 slaves died in the war, out of the 40,000 only about 2,000 died in combat the rest died because of diseases. Many of the slaves were given poor clothes and equipment. The Union soldiers didn’t really think of the blacks as soldiers and some treated them differently than others. Many of the black soldiers had poor

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