Module 1 Reflective Essay

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I believe that everyone in school deals with different levels of test anxiety. It doesn’t matter the age or grade level, taking a test is nerve wrecking. “Test anxiety is a combination of physiological, emotional, and cognitive components that are caused by stress of taking exams and may interfere with one’s concentration, planning, and academic performance” (Plotnik, 2014). In Module 1 I learned that there are two different types of students that deal with test anxiety in different ways. The first student lets the stress of the test interfere with the performance of the exam. The other student, where I believe I belong is the student that although feels the stress of the test doesn’t let it affect their performance level (Plotnik, 2014)). I believe this is true, some students, although they may be good students …show more content…

The reason I picked module 1 is because I was extremely interested in the different approaches. The modern approaches are the biological, cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and sociocultural approach. The most realistic approach and common approach for me is the biological approach. I have experienced one component of test anxiety which is sweaty palms. I learned from this module that when I get sweaty palms due to nervousness or anxiety before my test its called Palmar sweating (Plotnik, 2014). The most interesting approach for me and what I agree with is the behavioral approach. It explains how the reward system changes and control behaviors. “Psychologist use behavioral principles to teach people to be more assertive or less depressed, to toilet train young children, and to change many other behaviors” (Plotnik, 2014). I used the behavioral approach when I need to do a lot of work on the same day. Just recently I had to write several papers and I told myself if I finish it all I will reward myself with my favorite

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