Modernism's Impact On Art, Music And Art

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What is Modernism? Modernism is an era that covers many creative disciplines from design and art to influencing architecture, music and literature. The power of machines forced artists to strategically re-think their practice; the results were revolutionary and still influences designers to this very day. This new technology provided the opportunity for mass production, and the machine itself became a theme in modernism. Modernism particularly inspired fine art, it saw a break in the world of the 'ism' - these art styles include Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism, Brutalism and Surrealism. With the influence making such an impact across multiple creative disciplines Modernism is arguably being the most influential movement of the …show more content…

The Moulin Rouge is Lautrec’s first lithograph print, A lithograph is a print made by drawing on limestone with wax crayons, applying ink onto the stone and printing the image onto paper. invented in 1796 by German author and actor Alois Senefelder as a cheap method of publishing theatrical works.
Lautrec also used the technique known as crachis (spatter), which creates mists of color, similar to the effects of airbrushing. This effect may be achieved by either shaking a brush over a sieve, or by running a knife along the edge of a brush to cause the paint to spray.
Anderberg, Birgitte, and Vibeke Knudsen. "The Human Comedy." In Toulouse-Lautrec: The Human Comedy, 11-17. Munich: Prestel, 2011.

La Goulue was printed in about 3,000 copies, advertising the famous dancers La Goulue and "No-Bones" Valentin, and also the new Paris dance hall Moulin Rouge. The sensational impact of the Moulin Rouge poster can be attributed to Lautrec’s sophisticated use of a number of dynamic formal devices such as simplification, Fragmentation, movement and exaggeration
(Anderber …show more content…

He would leave out all none-essentials in his fictionalisation of reality, Which he staged in the picture plan using twisted points of view and abrupt cropping to evoke an ephemeral, Fleeting expression, capturing brief moments and flashes of movements with his stylistically confident grip I look at the La Goulue poster and qpplaude letrac for capturing so much

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