Surrealism In Un Chen Andalou

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Modernity held movements that paved the path for new ways of thinking and expression as a result of the industrial revolution. Two of these movements are: Surrealism, and the school of Bauhaus. Although these movements are quite different in appearance, they both wanted to challenge the traditional customs of the time. Whether it be eliminating conscious editing of thoughts by the Surrealists or producing a new sophisticated approach to design in Bauhaus, these movements created unique artworks that reflected the times of change they existed in.

Surrealism essentially aimed to release the subconscious thoughts, and desires of the mind from the conscious repressions and logic, as revealed in the first Surrealist Manifesto.

Un Chien Andalou (1929)2 filmed by Salvador Dali and Luis Buñuel demonstrates one of the ideas for reading the subconscious: through dreams. Breton mentions the work of Sigmund Freud and the importance that he had realized to dreams. 1 Breton argues that dreams should be provided with the same confidence that reality is regarded with.1 The black and white film, with dim light and fading edges of view, give a romantic, dream-like essence, similarly to many of the paintings or other works from Surrealism, inspired by Freud’s studies.

Breton also mentioned in the manifesto that the combination of reality and dream could lead to “surreality”. 1 Un Chien Andalou possesses this combination in the way the camera captures the image, and partnering between the objects that we know in our own lives, that are real, with the loss of logic in the actions of the film, which corresponds with dream states.

The film opens with a man sharpening a blade by a window. As he moves out onto the balcony he takes a drag on hi...

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...y, leather upholstered chairs with unnecessary detailing and expensive materials. The new standard was made with the Wassily chair to be innovative. As a result of the bare steel frame, the chair has a weightlessness to it that the original club chairs could never have. This means that the Wassily Chair could provide a much more open environment that it was placed in.

The two artworks, Club Chair (‘Wassily’ Chair) and Un Chien Andalou showcase the identifying ideas and techniques associated with their movement, and defy the conventional mode of thought. Un Chien Andalou demonstrates the shift from living within the realm of reality to giving the imagination and sub conscious a chance to reveal the true realities. Wassily Chair rejected the excessive nature of products and created a new sophisticated style that allowed artists to become part of the community.

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