Mobile Optimization Advantages And Disadvantages

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Mobile optimization is the procedure of ensuring that visitors who access your site from mobile devices have an experience optimized for the device.
What is Mobile Optimization?
Each year people spend more and more time on their mobile devices and tablets, but several websites still aren't designed to account for different screen sizes and load times. Mobile optimization takes a look at site design, site structure, page speed, and more to make sure you're not unintentionally turning mobile visitors away.
Mobile SEO Best Practices
If your site is already well optimized for search engines, there are only a limited additional things that you need to ponder about when optimizing for mobile.
 Page speed
Because of hardware and connectivity problems, …show more content…

 Optimize for local search
If your business has a local component, remember to optimize your mobile content for local search. This includes normalising your name, address, and phone number and including your city and state name in your site's metadata.
 Mobile site configuration
Perhaps the most important decision you'll make when setting up a site is determining whether you want to use a responsive, dynamic serving, or separate site configuration. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Google favours responsive design but supports all three options as long as you have set them up properly.
 Responsive web design
Responsively-designed sites use CSS3 media queries to serve the same content to mobile and desktop consumers using a fluid grid and a flexible design to automatically adapt to the size of a user's screen.
Responsive designs use media queries to target the layout based on screen width, orientation, and resolution. For instance, you could use the following CSS to instruct browsers how to display content for a screen that's 420 or fewer pixels wide:
 Code …show more content…

First, the numbers. Mobile traffic presently makes up 10% of global Internet traffic, and next year more people will use mobile phones than PCs to get online, according to Gartner. Purchases made on mobile devices amounted to $6.7 billion in the U.S. last year, or about 8% of total online sales, and are expected to nearly double to $11.6 billion this year. By 2015, U.S. mobile sales are predicted to reach $31 billion.
So far many businesses have not yet optimized their websites for mobile, annoying visitors with tricky navigation and slow loading times. Jesse Haines, group marketing manager for Google Mobile Ads, told Mashable that a study of major advertisers in early 2011 showed only 21% had launched a mobile-friendly site. A 2012 L2 study of the top 100 fashion, beauty, retail, hospitality, and watch and jewellery brands established that only two-thirds had mobile-optimized sites, and however a third of those did not permit consumers to shop from their

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