Miss Peregrine's Mental Illness

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At NAMI, we believe that all mental illnesses should be properly treated and recognized. We are dedicated to building better lives for Americans suffering from mental illnesses. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children encourages stigma. Throughout the book, Jacob and his grandpa are suffering from mental illness. Neither are properly recognized or treated, and are dismissed. Jacob’s psychiatrist, Dr. Golan also goes against our cause. In this book, Jacob, Dr. Golan, and Grandpa Portman have issues related to mental illness that are not properly addressed. Jacob shows signs of depression and post stress traumatic disorder. In the beginning of the book, Jacob is an average teenager who hates his summer job. After Grandpa Portman dies, Jacob has nightmares and is having trouble sleeping. He wakes up screaming in the middle of the night multiple times. He stops leaving the house and instead spends his time immersed in video games. His best friend Ricky started avoiding him because he believes Jacob has gone crazy. When Jacob starts going to a psychiatrist, he is told he has acute stress disorder. Dr. Golan doesn’t treat Jacob properly, giving him overdoses of medicine. Jacob claims the medicine is making him “fat and stupid” but he was still “miserable, only getting three to four …show more content…

Golan is the character in this book who goes against our cause the most. He is thought to be a psychiatrist when but he is really a wight seeking to manipulate Jacob. A psychiatrist is someone meant to be trusted with a person’s fragile mind and mental illnesses. Dr. Golan convinces Jacob he is imagining everything and gives him too many prescriptions to be healthy. While Jacob does have a mental illness, Dr. Golan makes it worse instead of helping him. After reading this book, some kids and teens with mental illness may not want to get help. They might think they will get someone who won’t help or doesn’t care about them. This creates a harmful stigma surrounding mental

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