Pamela Spiro's Divided Minds

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Divided Minds was an intriguing story plot, endowing readers to divulge into the mindset of twin sisters, Pamela and Carolyn Spiro, and their daily struggles within Mental Health. Co-authors and staring twin sister, Pamela and Carolyn fabricated their personal diaries into a lifelong audience, disclosing personal issues, feelings, and emotions throughout their lifetime. However one predominant issues within the mental health field revolved around the symptoms and diagnosis of Schizophrenia, where Pamela expressed her vacillating struggles with multiple symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and grossly disorganized behavior, to her economic and social predicaments. Throughout the novel, I was able to gain a new underlying sense of schizophrenia from Pamela’s perspectives. From attaining symptoms in childhood events, to reading extreme active …show more content…

From reading and reflecting her personal experience and journey with her sister, Pamela, I acquired a personal outlook of the deteriorating effects of mental illness as a whole, discovering how one individual’s symptoms could significantly impact others such as family and friends. From this new perspective mental health counseling provides a dominate field within not only individuals who may suffer mental illness such as Pamela, but also serve as a breaking point for family and friends who also travel through the illness, such as Carolyn. Divided Minds provided me to look at mental illness as a whole, looking at the individual who is significantly affected by it, discovering/establishing their main perspectives, viewpoints, and challenges but also their social, and environmental dynamics. However another book which also captivated my interest within the mental health field consisted of the novel entitled, The Beast, allowing a new discovery of the underlying problems people may face with

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